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Search results for "revolution"

WWI Was Fought Among Cousins

WWI Was Fought Among Cousins

might sound weird, but during the First World War — also called the Great War — most of the sovereigns of the countries involved were relatives. More specifically, England’s, Germany’s, and Russia’s sovereigns were cousins. George V (King of the United Kingdom),...
The Emperor Who Gave Up His Crown Twice

The Emperor Who Gave Up His Crown Twice

ar within his family, a push for independence, the end of slavery, and some weird incest. Such was the life of Pedro I, also known as “the Liberator”, or “the Soldier King”. A member of the House of Braganza (Portuguese: Bragança), young Pedro was born at the turn of...
Why did the USSR Invade Its Own Ally?

Why did the USSR Invade Its Own Ally?

he USSR and its puppet states in Eastern Europe had always had a strained relationship. After their “liberation” from the Nazis, most of these states were forced into the Soviet sphere of influence through rigged elections which aligned the government of these nations...
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