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Search results for "revolution"

The Oldest Debts in History

The Oldest Debts in History

hether because of war debts or the aftermath of post-war reparations, governments have historically faced financial obligations that have been paid off for decades or even centuries. Here are six of the debts of states that have been paid over many years. In some...
The Diabolic Mind Behind Adolf Hitler

The Diabolic Mind Behind Adolf Hitler

lfred Rosenberg is the evil mind behind Hitler, the man who, more than anyone else, influenced the thinking of the future leader of the Nazi Party. When defeat had already become a sure thing, after six years of war, the Nazis throughout Germany destroyed sensitive...
The Origin of the Molotov Cocktail

The Origin of the Molotov Cocktail

he Molotov Cocktail has been a staple of many facets of our society and media. Going from their use in uprisings, revolutions, and war to their depiction on the big screen the characteristic burning fuel bomb hurling across the sky is iconic. Despite its popularity,...
Salazar: The Forgotten Dictator

Salazar: The Forgotten Dictator

hen we talk about the European dictatorships of the twentieth century, it has almost become a cliché to refer to Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin. But Western Europe has seen another dictatorship that, while not having the same impact as the other three, has largely...
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