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An 11-year-old Accidentally Invented Ice Pops

An 11-year-old Accidentally Invented Ice Pops

Back in 1905, a young 11-year-old boy named Frank Epperson stumbled upon a sweet surprise right here in the Bay Area. It all started innocently enough while Frank was playing around his Oakland neighborhood. One hot day, he mixed some soda powder with water in a cup...
The Statue of Liberty was Once a Lighthouse

The Statue of Liberty was Once a Lighthouse

Once envisioned as a towering beacon to guide ships safely through treacherous waters, the Statue of Liberty embarked on a different journey than originally intended. Initially serving as a lighthouse from its inauguration in 1886 until 1906, the statue’s torch...
Hawaii Gets 3 Feet Closer to Alaska Every Year

Hawaii Gets 3 Feet Closer to Alaska Every Year

Every year, Hawaii inches about 3 feet closer to Alaska, a curious phenomenon driven by the relentless movement of tectonic plates. Positioned atop the vast expanse of the Pacific Plate, Hawaii finds itself gradually drifting northwestward, propelled on a geological...
The Electric Chair was Invented by a Dentist

The Electric Chair was Invented by a Dentist

Alfred Porter Southwick, a multi-talented individual from Buffalo, New York, made a significant mark in history as an inventor. Despite his background as a steamboat engineer and dentist, his invention of the electric chair garnered widespread attention. The idea for...
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