After Harriet Tubman escaped slavery, she became one of the most courageous figures in American history, dedicating her life to liberating others from bondage. Tubman’s legacy is deeply intertwined with her creation of the Underground Railroad, a clandestine...
Kirlian photography, named after Semyon Kirlian, the Soviet inventor who pioneered the technique in the 1930s, offers a fascinating glimpse into the subtle energies surrounding living organisms. By capturing images of corona discharges—glowing auras of...
The Habsburgs of Austria, known for their rich Christmas traditions, have a peculiar custom that has intrigued many over the years. Featured in films like “Spencer,” this unique tradition involves royal family members participating in a pre-dinner weigh-in...
Before Mickey Mouse and Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, Julius the Cat was one of Walt Disney’s earliest animated characters. Julius debuted in 1922 in the Alice Comedies, Disney’s first animated series. However, his roots trace back even further to the...
The first moon landing occurred in 1969 when NASA’s Apollo 11 mission successfully touched down on the lunar surface. This historic event marked a significant milestone in human exploration and space travel. However, it wasn’t the only time humans set foot...