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Search results for "revolution"

What’s So Peculiar About Freemasonry?

What’s So Peculiar About Freemasonry?

reemasonry — the world’s largest and oldest fraternal organization — is often referred to as “a peculiar system of morality, veiled in allegory and illustrated symbols.” But what’s so peculiar about it? To be sure, Freemasons scattered across the globe have trouble...
Why Have Most Men Stopped Wearing Hats?

Why Have Most Men Stopped Wearing Hats?

uring the 20th-century, clothing trends started to rapidly change based on different influences, mainly from singers and actors. Hats have been a very important piece of clothing for men that actually started as early as 3200 BC with the need to protect their heads...
The Man Who Tried to Turn Russia Fascist

The Man Who Tried to Turn Russia Fascist

uring the early days of the USSR, many figures tried to influence the population to overthrow the new and relatively illegitimate Soviet government. Once the Russian civil war ended in many of these oppositional forces tried to influence the Russian population outside...
Why Argentina Declared War on the Axis in 1945

Why Argentina Declared War on the Axis in 1945

uring the Second World War, Argentina was the Axis’ South American supporter. Although not part of the Axis, Argentina supported the Nationalistic regimes due to their historic ties to the countries, most notably Germany. As the war progressed, Argentina saw the rise...
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