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Search results for "sun"

The Man Who Was Struck by Lightning 4 Times

The Man Who Was Struck by Lightning 4 Times

eing struck by lightning isn’t as uncommon as it used to be, with over 300 million cases reported worldwide in 2019, however, there is only one person in history to been struck more than once. Walter Summerford is considered to be history’s unluckiest person as...
The Man Born With Two Faces

The Man Born With Two Faces

ou may be thinking that this is another legend or folklore story, but as we keep on dwelling on history, we discover that more stories such as Edward Mordrake’s are in fact closer to reality than we thought. As presented before, there are many people that are born...
The Sleeping Volcano That Could Wipe Out Europe

The Sleeping Volcano That Could Wipe Out Europe

ancient times volcano eruptions were quite frequent around the world and a natural catastrophe that people sort of adapted to. Most volcano eruptions were on a smaller scale, not capable of doing much damage. Some destroyed whole cities and only a few even managed to...
The Story of History’s Shortest War

The Story of History’s Shortest War

he colonial influence of each world power during the 19th century was a subject over which many countries fought over. Many wars were started over colonial claims due to the large amount of money that could be made from these overseas possessions. Such was the case...
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