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Search results for "sun"

The First and Only Live TV Suicide in History

The First and Only Live TV Suicide in History

ertain News channels that report live have quite a huge following that wants to hear what are the latest news. A lot of viewers expect to hear about gruesome crimes or in some cases, suicides. What no viewer would expect is to see a live suicide performed by the...
Where Is the Corpse of Jesus Christ Burried?

Where Is the Corpse of Jesus Christ Burried?

ne big mystery that is still very much argued to this day is, Where is Jesus Christ buried? Some even do not believe that his corpse was buried, but transitioned into the other world. Whilst most Christians follow the explanation that only our souls rise to heaven...
The Earth’s Core Has Come to a Halt, What Now?

The Earth’s Core Has Come to a Halt, What Now?

cientists say the Earth’s inner core has ceased rotating and is currently spinning backward, or at least that is what most media outlets have understood. As Forbes has mentioned in a recent article. As with most scientific studies, it is quite difficult to wrap...
Vera Rubin: Proving the Existence of Dark Matter

Vera Rubin: Proving the Existence of Dark Matter

merican researcher Vera Rubin, a specialist in astronomy, a pioneer in the study of dark matter in the Universe, whose name was often cited on the list of favorites for the Nobel Prize, but had never won the prize despite deserving it more than others. People do not...
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