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In Ancient Greece, Wearing Skirts was Manly

In Ancient Greece, Wearing Skirts was Manly

During the vibrant era of ancient Greece, spanning from the archaic to the classical periods, which stretched approximately from 800 to 323 BC, the attire of both men and women reflected a distinctive cultural and sartorial identity. Contrary to modern perceptions,...

Traveling The Dangerous Darien Gap

Traveling The Dangerous Darien Gap

Every parent wants a better life for their children than they had. Unfortunately, for many immigrants around the world, especially those in South American Latin America, that is impossible. Immigrants want their nations to provide them with better nutrients,...

Turkeys were once worshiped as Gods

Turkeys were once worshiped as Gods

Indeed, turkeys held a significant role in the religious beliefs of the ancient Maya civilization. According to Maya tradition, turkeys were revered as sacred creatures, believed to possess special abilities granted to them by the gods. As messengers of the divine...

Rats killed over 75 million Europeans in the Middle Ages

Rats killed over 75 million Europeans in the Middle Ages

In the mid-1300s, humanity faced one of its darkest chapters: the Black Death. This devastating outbreak of bubonic plague ravaged vast regions, claiming the lives of an estimated 75 to 200 million people. The toll was particularly severe in Europe, where 30 to 60% of...

An 11-year-old Accidentally Invented Ice Pops

An 11-year-old Accidentally Invented Ice Pops

Back in 1905, a young 11-year-old boy named Frank Epperson stumbled upon a sweet surprise right here in the Bay Area. It all started innocently enough while Frank was playing around his Oakland neighborhood. One hot day, he mixed some soda powder with water in a cup...

The Statue of Liberty was Once a Lighthouse

The Statue of Liberty was Once a Lighthouse

Once envisioned as a towering beacon to guide ships safely through treacherous waters, the Statue of Liberty embarked on a different journey than originally intended. Initially serving as a lighthouse from its inauguration in 1886 until 1906, the statue's torch was...

The British royal family is banned from playing Monopoly

The British royal family is banned from playing Monopoly

Queen Elizabeth imposes strict rules on the royal family, including bans on certain activities like taking selfies and flying together. Surprisingly, one of the lesser-known restrictions involves the popular board game, Monopoly. Although you might assume that the...

Nintendo Existed Far Before Even WW1 as a Card Company

Nintendo Existed Far Before Even WW1 as a Card Company

Nintendo, the iconic name synonymous with video games and entertainment, has a history that stretches back further than many might realize. While we often associate Nintendo with cutting-edge technology and digital innovation, its origins trace back to a much earlier...

Did You Know that London had a Bedtime of Around 8-9 pm?

Did You Know that London had a Bedtime of Around 8-9 pm?

Yes, it's fascinating to consider how different daily routines and lifestyles were in the past compared to today. In historical London, the concept of bedtime differed from what we're accustomed to now. In the past, particularly before the widespread availability of...

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