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rt is the very mirror of our history, culture and authenticity. In fact, with time, it has become an indispensable part of our lives. A huge chunk of population has been forever fascinated with the idea of visiting galleries and looking at the works of brilliant artists. But not all of them can afford to spend millions of dollars to buy these paintings.

To provide for the needs of art lovers and to monetarily increase the worth of the original artworks, artists started creating reproduction paintings of the famous masterpieces.

Of course, these were not painted by the original artists and neither were these the original art pieces. These were replicas produced by either students who learnt their brushwork or through specialized organizations like PortraitFlip.

But what remains unbelievable is the fact that these reproduced paintings have manage to resemble to the original pieces with perfection.

Here are a few reproduction paintings that have been people’s favorite for a decade.

The Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh

The Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh (Source: Portrait Flip)

The Starry Night, one of the most magnificent painting created by Vincent van Gogh, has been reproduced into not just paintings but a lot of other pieces of art as well.

The painting was a depiction of the sky on a June night from the asylum at Saint-Rémy-de-Provence where Van Gogh has spent some time.

Starry Night got famous because of its monumental swirls and contrasting color and more so for the beautiful depiction of Van Gogh’s tortured mind.

“Looking at stars makes me dream,” and so it made millions of people dream making The Starry Night the most reproduced famous painting of all times.

Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci

Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci (Source: Portrait Flip)

Who other than Mona Lisa? From being damaged, stolen to being reproduced, Mona Lisa has been through all!

Leonardo da Vinci’s most beloved work of art, Mona Lisa was painted in 1503. Ever since men have kept falling for her.

It can be so due to the mystery attached to the painting. From who she is to what she is, what’s so attractive about her smile, and if there are any hidden messages in the painting. Not only is she the most famous of all painting but also the most studied and debated.

Mona Lisa reproductions and art copies are very famous and are painted by PortraitFlip’s best artists to match the intelligence of Da Vinci.

The original Mona Lisa now sits in the largest room of Louvre Museum to attract her fan-base.

The Girl with A Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer

The Girl with A Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer (Source: Portrait Flip)

The Mona Lisa of the North, Johannes Vermeer’s most iconic piece of art that has been adapted in a number of books and screenplays, is also one of the most sold reproductions too.

She is the only painting that could, in its sense of exposure, given a tough competition to Mona Lisa.

Through skilful contrasts, Vermeer has tried to create focus on places necessary. The main point of attraction of the painting is the girl’s pearl earring and her turban. The earring takes the viewer to a traditional space where a girl’s ears should be void of unclean words.

Due to its religious connotations and use of expressive brushworks, the painting has been in high demand for a while.

The monotones of brown and black broken my a blue turban makes the painting a fit for home décor. It can be hung anywhere with ease also because this painting is comparatively smaller.

Such replica paintings have kept Vermeer’s technique alive and please art lovers equally.

The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci

The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci (Source: Portrait Flip)

The Last Supper occupies a unique position as the most famous, most reproduced, most parodied, and the most religious painting of all time.

The painting depicts Christ with his disciples caught in a moment of anxiety, suspicious and confusion.

The scene is a recreation of the time when Christ confesses about one of his disciples being the reason for his impending death.

Judas, who is stopping himself from taking food from the same plate as Christ, is portrayed with sheer detailing. The emotions of fear and being caught is captured with perfection.

The Last Supper is one of the most difficult paintings to replicated considering the seating position that Da Vinci has painted. It was a Triclinium which was painted panoramically.

The painting in itself is very clumsy yet manages to show the confusion clearly.

Not everyone can create a replica of The Last Supper but the one who can, is definitely skilled with a lot of talent.

Sunflower by Vincent van Gogh

Sunflower by Vincent van Gogh (Source: Portrait Flip)

Of many things, Van Gogh’s fascination for Prostitutes and Sunflowers was the most prominent.

He painted quite a number of sunflower paintings but his Sunflower in a vase is the most famous.

It is rumored that Paul Gauguin and van Gogh were romantically involved and Gauguin. It was Gauguin who often said that van Gogh resembled a sunflower and gifted him sunflower paintings. Soon it became a token of affection for both the artists.

It was in one of these occasions when Gauguin was scheduled to meet him that he painted this Sunflower painting.

If looked carefully, the painting shows the various stages of life. From fresh Sunflowers to the ones almost about the shed, the painting captured each stage perfectly. So much so that the tones were also chosen according to the level of decay.

Since the painting is almost monotones of yellow, distinction that van Gogh used is commendable.

One of the most reproduced and exchange painting by couples, Sunflower needs an artist who understand color palettes and can create these shades.

The Kiss by Gustav Klimt

The Kiss by Gustav Klimt (Source: Portrait Flip)

The last and the final most reproduced painting, The Kiss by Gustav Klimt is a symbol of romance.

The Kiss reproduction painting gains popularity during the valentine’s day where couples like to exchange tokens of love with each other.

But is The Kiss only about a couple in love?

This painting gained popularity not because of its depiction of the act of kissing but because of oil and gold leaf used to complete the painting.

Initially the painting was considered pornographic in nature but its popularity flocked visitors from all across Europe to Vienna.

It is hard to believe that The Kiss was an after-effect of his sorry state. He had not produced ground-breaking artworks which was slowly throwing him into a pit. It was The Kiss that saved his reputation and brought him back into the picture of world’s greatest artist.

One may not be able to own the $240,000 painting by Gustav Klimt but one can always get a reproduction painted.
But where can you commission these paintings?

Introducing: PortraitFlip’s Reproduction Oil Paintings

Reproduction Products (Source: Portrait Flip)

When it comes to commissioning masterpiece replicas, it is important to consider someone who is not only a professional but is trustworthy.

PortraitFlip has been an industry expert for 5 years. With a range of handmade paintings, they have selected the best artists from across the globe, each an expert in their painting style.

The company does not only have a large number of famous artists to get your replica painting but also a variety of custom portrait options too.

The best remains their policy of 100% Satisfaction or your Money is back!

Most importantly, they ship worldwide at no additional cost for shipping.

They also make sure that each painting receives a 100% hand-painted certificate to guarantee their work along with the option to buy their Time-Lapse service that allows you to have a video of your painting process.

The process is easy and your dedicated manager is in constant touch with you to give you updates on the process.

One does not have to loot a bank to get these famous paintings anymore because PortraitFlip’s reproduction painting starts at $210 with no hidden costs whatsoever.

Let’s do a quick quality check?

The likeness is uncanny!

What are you waiting for? Own, Gift, Hang but get your replica today from PortraitFlip!

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