o ascertain whether Jesus was nailed to the crucifixion through his hands or wrists, a number of factors must be taken into account. The first point of contention is whether Jesus was killed on a cross, pole, or stake. The strongest argument is typically made, nonetheless, that Jesus was crucified on a cross. If it were the case, a person may have really had their hands or wrists nailed to a cross.
Grammatically speaking, there is no precise Greek term for wrists in the New Testament. The hand or wrist can be referred to by the Greek term cheir. It is clear that this view dates back at least to the second century because the Latin Vulgate uses the word manus in Luke 24:40 to refer to hands expressly. The New Testament, however, was initially composed in Greek. As a result, the answer to this issue cannot be fully determined by a grammatical argument.
In terms of medicine, research has revealed that a nail through the hands or wrists would be powerful enough to fasten a person to a cross. The conjunctive tissue in hand is reputed to be more potent than a rope.
Why is this argument so important?
The location of Christ’s wounds is not as important to us spiritually as the fact that they are a part of His splendor. The hands, the side, and the feet are among the five wounds that are known to exist. Although we are healed by His wounds, we are unsure exactly where—on the hands, the side, or the feet (Isaiah 53:5; 1 Peter 2:24). All who would ever trust in Him experienced spiritual healing from sin as a result of the scars on His body.
The Jewish traditions and prophesies about Jesus as the Messiah may provide the greatest evidence. One significant prophecy concerning the Messiah is found in the Old Testament. For dogs surround me; a group of evildoers surrounds me; they have wounded my hands and feet, according to Psalm 22:16. Here, the term meaning hands in Hebrew is utilized specifically.
Second, Luke 24:39–40 in the New Testament provides a potential solution. We see that there, “”Look at my hands and my feet; they prove that it is I.” To see, touch me. Because, as you can see, I have both, a spirit does not. After saying this, he displayed his hands and feet for them.” This comparison of hands and feet, which is made twice, seems to be more likely to be talking about hands and feet than wrists and feet. Although not definitive, Luke and the prophecy in Psalm 22:16 support the idea that Jesus’ hands were most likely the location where the nails were inserted into his flesh.
Nails Driven through the hand are more likely.
This information makes either wrists or hands feasible, but the evidence supports the conventional theory that Jesus’ hands were hit with the nails during the Crucifixion.
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