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The existence of vampires had been theorized since the early 17th century. These creatures that had similar characteristics to a bat originated in Eastern European Folklore. It was only later on that the legend of vampires was popularized in the Western world, until now.

The remains of what archeologists have concluded to be a 17th-century female vampire were found by a team led by Professor Dariusz Poliński, from Nicolaus Copernicus University.

Professor Poliński said: “The sickle was not laid flat but placed on the neck in such a way that if the deceased had tried to get up the head would have been cut off or injured.”

Historical records show that such burial practices had been used in Poland, as well as other Eastern European countries due to the fear of vampires returning from the grave.

Professor Poliński said: “Other ways to protect against the return of the dead include cutting off the head or legs, placing the deceased face down to bite into the ground, burning them, and smashing them with a stone.”

However, such rituals of burying people with elements that “prevent” them from returning from their graves date back to Roman times. There has been evidence unearthed that showed children from the Roman ages buried with a rock in their mouths so they would not be able to raise from their graves.

If this is actually a vampire is still questioned, but experts think that such burial rituals have been done due to the fear of the population and paranoia.

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