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The Fate of Stalin’s Wife

The Fate of Stalin’s Wife

oesph Stalin was one of the worst men who ever lived. As the leader of the Soviet Union, he oversaw the deaths of millions and justified his crimes in the name of the communist utopia that never came to fruition. Every aspect of society was infected by the state,...
Why the USSR Tried to Ban Weekends

Why the USSR Tried to Ban Weekends

or workers in the Soviet Union, like in many parts of the world during the 20th century, Sunday was a day of rest after six straight days of back-breaking labor. It was also an opportunity to go to church, see relatives, and maybe clean your home. But Sundays were...
The One-Time-Only Olympic Nation

The One-Time-Only Olympic Nation

you think back to where the world was at the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games, you might think the world has never changed as many in-between Games as it has from 2016 to 2021. However, in the years following the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul, lots of political...
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