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How to be a good person

How to be a good person

Who should I be? This is one of the most important and existential questions in humanity’s past, present, and future. We live in an age when people cannot get along and few people feel safe, connected, and appreciated in their life. While some have argued that...
The Ishtar Gate: Babylon’s Magnificent Heritage

The Ishtar Gate: Babylon’s Magnificent Heritage

The Architectural Wonder of Nebuchadnezzar II and the Cultural Richness of Mesopotamia Ishtar Gate was discovered during the excavations carried out by German archeologist Robert Koldewey in 1902, in the ancient city of Babylon, located in present-day Iraq, near...
Pope John XII: The Youngest and Worst Pope in History

Pope John XII: The Youngest and Worst Pope in History

‘A robber, a murderer, and incestuous person, unworthy to represent Christ upon the pontifical throne … This abominable priest soiled the chair of St. Peter for nine entire years and deserved to be called the most wicked of popes.’ his was how the French historian and...