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Pope John XII: The Youngest and Worst Pope in History

Pope John XII: The Youngest and Worst Pope in History

‘A robber, a murderer, and incestuous person, unworthy to represent Christ upon the pontifical throne … This abominable priest soiled the chair of St. Peter for nine entire years and deserved to be called the most wicked of popes.’ his was how the French historian and...
These Texts Are Held Up as Proof of Jesus’ Existence

These Texts Are Held Up as Proof of Jesus’ Existence

esus — he was a real person, right? While most contemporaries of the era tend to err on the side of caution and agree that he probably did, there are massive gaps in the evidence. In fact, I’m amazed just how little direct evidence there is for his existence. The...
The Failed Attempt To Rebuild a Jewish Temple

The Failed Attempt To Rebuild a Jewish Temple

In the New Testament, the Lord Jesus proclaimed the fate of the temple in Jerusalem with these famous words: “And His disciples came to shew Him the buildings of the temple. And He answering, said to them: Do you see all these things? Amen, I say to you, there shall...
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