The Live Countdown: How Many Bird Species Are Left on Earth?
We are below 10,000 and counting
The Hobbit: A Lost Human Species
A fight for survival in a world full of savages
Virus Considered Eradicated in 2019 Just Came Back
The fight to eradicate Poliomyelitis has been very successful since 1988, but it seems that it somehow came back to cause more havoc
The Predictions Made by Arthur C. Clarke 50 Years Ago Have Proven True
Technological and social predictions about our current lifestyle and the impact technology will have on humanity
New Study Shows That Dinosaurs Were Destined To Become Extinct
Long before the asteroid hit earth
Albert Einstein’s E=mc2 Was Sold for 1.2 Million Dollars
Even if the mathematical theory itself is invaluable
Welcome to Earth’s Sixth Mass Extinction: Man-Made Edition
The last five have all occurred due to natural causes with no influence from humans because they didn’t exist at the time
Plants Are Changing Colours To Camouflage From Humans
Mother nature’s plan to preserve our planet
The Deliberate Infection With Hepatitis of Mentally Disabled Children in New York
Willowbrook medical state school had been infecting mentally disabled children with hepatitis for 14 years
NASA Data Shows There Was Once Water on Mars
All the water on the planet disappeared around 3 billion years ago
Evidence of a Secret Structure Within Earth’s Core Discovered
School books will have to be re-written
The Day Used To Last Only 18 Hours
Earth adds an average of .0000135 seconds to the length of its day every year
Lost Continent Named Balkanatolia Discovered After 40 Million Years
The continent that could solve the mystery behind the last mass extinction
Workers Discover 700 Year Old Ship Beneath the Ground
Waiting to be unearthed
How Was Our Moon Created?
A theory yet to be proven to this day
Blue Eyed People Have a Single Ancestor
At least from a scientific perspective
Hoba Meteorite: The Biggest Cosmic Body Discovered on Earth
A cosmic body weighing over 66 tons, considered to be the biggest piece of metal on Earth
A Material Theorized by Scientists 90 Years Ago Has Finally Been Developed
The first solid made only out of electrons