hese creatures have dominated planet Earth for over 170 million years, a time when a lot of evolution took place and some believe that during this period of time dinosaurs have reached their peak in terms of potential for evolution (strength, size, intelligence). 170 million years may not seem so much if we look at what happened in this period of time.
65.5 million years ago a huge asteroid hit the Yucatan peninsula (Central America) which started a chain of devastating events. Most people think that upon impact all dinosaurs have perished, but that is not the case. Only a small percentage of dinosaurs died upon impact. What followed was a cloud of dust that lasted for years which blocked the sun, this caused the temperatures to drastically drop to the point where no dinosaur made it out.
The Asteroid changed nothing
Pathologists believe that if it wasn’t for the asteroid, we would still live with some species of dinosaurs. However, her study confirms that the asteroid never changed the fate of dinosaurs. A recent study was done by biology Professor J. David Archibald from San Diego State University which proves that 10 million years before the asteroid hit Earth, the dinosaur population already started declining.
What started this decline was some major ecological changes which resulted in the decomposition of two supercontinents Laurasia and Gondwana. This was the point where the second continental drift occurred, starting a process to create the continents on which we live today.
The way plants were growing changed, leaving small creatures with nothing to consume, meaning that they were slowly going extinct. With the small creatures going extinct, there was nothing for the middle carnivore class to consume slowly making them extinct. This meant that the big T-rex had nothing to consume, therefore destined towards the same fate.
It wasn’t just about food, but about the ability to mate. With the continental drift taking place, this shifted the location of many species, making it more difficult to find similar species to mate with.
This argument also works well with the definition as to why most of the massive existing creatures live in the ocean, as they were not affected by this continental drift, taking into consideration the Grey Whale or the Giant Squid.
Another argument, even supported by Mark Twain, is that the DNA of dinosaurs remained on Earth even after their extinction and it can be seen in the chickens we grow and consume as well as other mammals. Maybe the extinction of prior species does not matter if human or mammal form was destined and vital towards our evolution.
There were no humans nor any pollution that would cause ecological disasters to start a continental drift, meaning that Earth is also evolving and changing but based on what? This is a question that should be in the same group as questions such as “Why are we born?” or even “What is the meaning of life?”.
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