In 536 CE, a catastrophic event unfolded that cast a shadow over the entire Mediterranean region during the Middle Ages. According to Procopius, a Byzantine historian, the sun was shrouded in a thick fog that blanketed the skies, plunging the world into a year of...
The seventh cholera pandemic, which began in 1961, is the longest-lasting pandemic in history. It originated with a new strain of the cholera bacterium, known as El Tor, which was first identified in Egypt in 1897. This strain has since spread globally, causing...
Between 541 and 543 AD, the devastating “Justinian” bubonic plague swept across the Mediterranean, claiming the lives of a staggering 35% to 55% of the population. While this plague did not directly cause the fall of the Western Roman Empire, it...
They associated a pale complexion with elevated social status, viewing it as a sign of wealth and prestige. Also, a fair complexion was seen as evidence that a woman did not engage in outdoor labor, further enhancing her perceived refinement and gentility. In the late...
Since its discovery in 1930 by American astronomer Clyde Tombaugh, Pluto has yet to complete a full orbit around the sun. Situated beyond the orbit of Neptune, Pluto was initially spotted using the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona. Named after the ruler of the...
Many people believed that cats were a product of crossbreeding between chimpanzees and rabbits. However, the assertion that cats were considered a distinct species until 1957 is incorrect. Cats have been known as their own species for a long time. They’re called...