The SS Californian, infamous as the ‘Ship Who Watched Titanic Sink,’ has left a lasting stain on the memory of the Titanic tragedy. Positioned just six miles north of the sinking ship, the Californian could have potentially reached the Titanic in time to...
The term “barbarian” originated from the ancient Greeks, who used it to refer to people who couldn’t speak Greek. This included various cultures, such as the Persians, Medes, Egyptians, and Phoenicians. The word “barbarian” comes from the...
Before World War II, the association between colors and gender for baby clothes was quite different from what we know today. It might surprise you that pink was considered a color for baby boys, while blue was associated with baby girls. The tradition of using neutral...
The Great Wall of China stands as a great craftmanship of human ingenuity and perseverance. It stretches over thousands of miles across the northern borders of China. Construction of the wall began in the 7th century BCE, during the Warring States period, and...
Contrary to popular belief, historical evidence suggests that pirates and sailors wore eyepatches not to prevent injuries but to cover empty eye sockets resulting from injuries. One prevalent theory, though lacking historical substantiation, posits that eyepatches...
Augustus Caesar, the inaugural emperor of the Roman Empire, is considered one of history’s wealthiest individuals. His vast fortune, estimated at around $4.6 trillion in today’s currency, made him potentially the richest person ever known. Augustus...